One day, one volunteer

Rachel Potts

PUBLISHED ON 16.10.2022


My express bio: Originally from the port city of Grimsby in England, Rachel Potts moved to Lyon in 1973. Before joining the team of volunteers eight years ago, this former English teacher was also involved in the Lyon associations "Relais amical" and "Sport et Santé" (Spes). A former teacher at the Gilbert Dru secondary school in Lyon, Rachel also worked at a prestigious Swiss school in Villars-sur-Ollon, where she met Gregory Peck and Shirley MacLaine, parents of involved pupils. And that's just for starters!

My favourite filmmakers: One of the first directors that comes to mind is Alain Resnais. I discovered ‘Hiroshima, Mon Amour’ at my English school's French club, I remember that screening! I also really like the work of James Ivory.

My favourite actors: I love Emma Thompson and John Gielgud, and I'm a big fan of Lambert Wilson, what an actor!

My favourite film: ‘Beauty and the Beast’ by Jean Cocteau, a pure masterpiece. And if I can choose another one: ‘The King's Speech’ with the excellent Colin Firth!

My interest in volunteering: What I like about volunteering is first of all the fact that I feel useful and meet people. I first discovered the festival as a participant and then I joined the ranks of the volunteers through friends.

My tasks at the festival: I help welcome festivalgoers to the Village, especially in the shop, but also to the Auditorium of Lyon.  It's a pleasure to welcome people and give them information, you feel useful.

My best memory of the festival: Without hesitation, the screening of ‘The Great Escape’ organised a few years ago. Rediscovering this film on the big screen made a big impression on me, I had forgotten how radiant Steve McQueen was!!


©  Laura Lépine



 Laura Lépine


Categories: Lecture Zen