
FIGHT CLUB (1999) by David Fincher

Posted on 21.10.2022


‘Fight Club’, the 1999 movie, a saga of overloaded testosterone, pent-up rage and anti-consumerist anarchy, influenced an entire generation of young men. But do you really know this visceral tale with its enigmatic ending by David Fincher, which has become a cult classic?


1/ Before becoming a movie, ‘Fight Club’ was a novel. Who is/was its author? 

a) Emily Dickinson

b) Chuck Palahniuk

c) Salman Rushdie

2/ Which iconic car model are Edward Norton and Brad Pitt going after?

a) Chrysler's PT Cruiser convertible

b) The new Volkswagen Beetle

c) A brown Fiat 500

3/ Brad Pitt is doubled on several occasions by a stuntman who would later follow him on many shoots. This person has become a filmmaker. What is his name and the name of the film he recently directed?

a) David Leitch, Bullet Train

b) Ruben Östlund, Sans Filtre

c) Jaume Collet-Serra, Black Adam

4/ Dans le film, le personnage joué par Edward Norton se présente sous divers faux noms. De quel film s’est inspiré David Fincher pour trouver ces faux noms ? 

a) Rio Bravo 

b) Taxi Driver 

c) Planet of the Apes (1968)

5/ During their first ‘fight’ the character played by Edward Norton hits Brad Pitt (for real and by surprise) in a very specific place. Where?

a) l’oreille

b) le genou

c) le coude

6/ What do Tim Burton, the Lumière Award laureate 2022, and David Fincher have in common?

a) They both made iconic movies in 1999

b) Their films both starred Helena Bonham Carter

c) The ‘tablier de sapeur’ (a beef tripe dish) is their favourite Lyon speciality 


Fight Club CP
Fight Club, 1999 © DR





Fight Club by David Fincher (1999, 2h19, prohibited for ages -16)

Cinéma Opéra Fri. 21 9:15pm





Answer key: 1B – 2B -3A – 4C – 5A (“You hit me in the ear!”) – 6A and B (‘Sleepy Hollow’ for Tim Burton / Tim Burton’s go-to actress played Marla Singer in ‘Fight Club’).




Categories: Lecture Zen